Blu whale un gioco che non chiamerei gioco ma assolutamente Suicidio a puntate .
Tanti sono i media che ne parlano e spiegano in dettaglio le varie fasi del gioco , così facendo inducono altri ragazzi magari a provare o solo per curiosità a sbattere contro un mostro piscologico che viene difficile uscirne fuori per quei ragazzi che hanno  problemi di adolescenza e che potrebberò sembrare insormontabili  .
 L'ideatore del gioco sarebbe un russo, Philipp Budeikin, ex studente di psicologia  ,  espulso dall'università ed arrestato a novembre 2016,anche se  su queste informazioni pare che non ci sia nulla di certo
L' informazione e importante nella nostra comunità , ma non dobbiamo indurre a certe scelte o plasmare la mente della gente passando in continuazione la notizia , non tutta la gente e forte mentalmente .
Dovremmo tornare nel mondo reale un pò è non rincorrere il virtuale , dove non conosciamo bene la gente che c è dall ' altra parte del monitor , senza scrupoli di far del male a dei poveri ragazzini ancora acerbi e non pronti per il mondo adulto .
Tanti casi in tutto il mondo di ragazzi suicidi  Portogallo , Brasile , Russia e qualche inizio pure in Italia fermati fortunatamente in tempo ,
vedendo le immagine si rimane colpiti dal fatto che non si da nessun valore alla vita.                                                                                                                       Blue whale a game I would not call gambling but absolutely suicide betting. There are so many media that talk about it and explain in detail the various phases of the game, so they induce other guys to either try or just curiosity to bump into a piscic monster that is difficult to get out for those kids who have adolescent problems It may seem insurmountable.  The creator of the game would be a Russian, Philipp Budeikin, former student of psychology, expelled from the university and arrested in November 2016, although this information seems to be unreliable Information is important in our community, but we must not resort to certain choices or shaping people's minds by constantly reporting the news, not all people, and mentally minded. We should return to the real world a bit is not to chase the virtual, where we do not know the people c is on the other side of the monitor, unscrupulous to hurt poor poor kids who are not ready for the adult world. Many cases around the world of suicide boys Portugal, Brazil, Russia and some beginnings in Italy, fortunately stopped in time, Seeing the image is affected by the fact that it has no value to lifeThere are so many media that talk about it and explain in detail the various phases of the game, so they induce other guys to either try or just curiosity to bump into a piscic monster that is difficult to get out for those kids who have adolescent problems It may seem insurmountable. The creator of the game would be a Russian, Philipp Budeikin, former student of psychology, expelled from the university and arrested in November 2016, although this information seems to be unreliableInformation is important in our community, but we must not resort to certain choices or shaping people's minds by constantly reporting the news, not all people, and mentally minded.We should return to the real world a bit is not to chase the virtual, where we do not know the people c is on the other side of the monitor, unscrupulous to hurt poor poor kids who are not ready for the adult world.Many cases around the world of suicide boys Portugal, Brazil, Russia and some beginnings in Italy, fortunately stopped in time,Seeing the image is affected by the fact that it has no value to lifeThere are so many media that talk about it and explain in detail the various phases of the game, so they induce other guys to either try or just curiosity to bump into a piscic monster that is difficult to get out for those kids who have adolescent problems It may seem insurmountable. The creator of the game would be a Russian, Philipp Budeikin, former student of psychology, expelled from the university and arrested in November 2016, although this information seems to be unreliableInformation is important in our community, but we must not resort to certain choices or shaping people's minds by constantly reporting the news, not all people, and mentally minded.We should return to the real world a bit is not to chase the virtual, where we do not know the people c is on the other side of the monitor, unscrupulous to hurt poor poor kids who are not ready for the adult world.Many cases around the world of suicide boys Portugal, Brazil, Russia and some beginnings in Italy, fortunately stopped in time,Seeing the image is affected by the fact that it has no value to life


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